Beginning in April, Manchester-Essex Rotarians will meet Wednesdays for breakfast at 7 Central Restaurant, at 7:15am. The Club is announcing a new membership format where members now “pay-as-they-go” (cash or check) eliminating the need to pay quarterly dues.  Many thanks to Paul Barclay and his staff for welcoming Rotary at 7 Central.
The new format is designed to attract people who cannot commit to weekly meetings.  Our schedule remains the same with breakfasts every Wednesday except for the fourth Wednesday of the month when we hold an evening meeting over dinner, usually at 7 Central. 
Rotary is a service club; members give back to the community and support international endeavors while making new friends throughout the greater Cape Ann area. Some of the activities M-E Rotarians participate in are providing quarterly Open Door meals, sponsoring Music in Masconomo Park, and our most visible event, the Red, White and Blue Pancake Breakfast. On the international level, we participate in the annual Polar Plunge to end polio. These are just a few of the activities we engage in. Join us at an upcoming meeting to see if Rotary is for you.
For more information contact Dorothy Sieradzki, club secretary, at, or visit our website,