The Club is thrilled to host the 18th Annual Kentucky Derby Party and Auction on Saturday May 6th from 5:30 to 8:30! This event brings items from all corners from golf outings and beach barbecues to fine clothing and complete wine cellars. There is a silent auction for smaller items and a live auction featuring auctioneer and State Senator Bruce Tarr for the big ticket items including an 80 inch smart television! We will watch the Derby race live, there will be a non-betting lottery on the outcome, a hat contest with the best woman's and men's hat winning a bottle of real Kentucky bourbon and a bouquet of roses. An excellent buffet dinner will be served throughout the evening, cash bar (yes mint julep), and best of all we are raising money for local scholarships, food banks and international projects. So put on your Derby hats and be ready to have a fun time with fun people. Tickets can be purchased in advance online or from a member for $30 or at the door $40 follow the link below to buy online.