The Kentucky Derby Fundraising Auction was a big success, thanks to all the efforts make by club members and their invited guests. The excitement of the actual horse race, which was amazing, led to a rousing live auction hosted by club member Brian Sollosy. Brian did a great job and filled in for our usual auctioneer Bruce Tar, thank you so much Brian!

Pictured here is the winning male best hat entry by Sean Zahn, what else can you say about his commitment to the club and this hat? Tim Collins, also sporting a fine entry, did not make honorable mention. Winning the female hat entry was Becci Sollosy, if anyone has a photo of Becci in her hat, or any photos please send them to jack@ctmholdingsllc.com I was so caught up in the action I forgot to take any photos.
P.S. Here it is Becci's winning hat