Posted by Chris Shea

Saturday, May 5, 2018, 5-8:30pm at the American Legion Hall, Manchester-by-the-Sea

$30 per person includes a buffet dinner, wine tasting, cash bar. Watch the Derby live then bid on the large screen TV. Unique silent and live auction items, sports tickets, hat contest (for men and women) guest auctioneer Sen. Bruce Tarr. It's a great party for a good cause.

The Kentucky Derby Party and Auction is the major fundraiser for the Manchester-Essex Rotary Club. Proceeds from this event fund our scholarship program and other civic and charitable giving.

What we do -
Community Service Projects & Sponsorships
            Essex Community Sign
            Manchester Little League Backstop
            Open Door Food Pantry – Serving meals quarterly
            Annual Red, White & Blue Pancake Breakfast
            Essex Trail Signs Sponsorship
            Music in Masconomo Park
Fund Raisers
            Annual Spring Kentucky Derby Auction
            Annual Red, White and Blue Pancake Breakfast
            Annual Rotary Scholarship-Fund Golf Tournament
Essex River Cruise
Ryan & Wood Distillery Visit
Breakfast on Singing Beach
Gloucester Harbor Cruise on Schooner Ardelle
Comedy Night, Dinners & Socializing