Paul Harris Award Recipients
Two Manchester Residents Recognized for "Service Above Self"
The Manchester-Essex Rotary Club is pleased to honor two great residents from Manchester-by-the-Sea: Sue Thorne and Tom Kehoe.
Most recently, this impressive pair were the Co-chairs of the town's 375 Committee starting in 2019 that is still working together in 2021. Their skill and dedication to this milestone celebration has been exemplary. They brought together a cross section of town citizens to their 375 Committee that produced and excellent program of events, fundraising, gatherings and historical updates and education.
Over the course of their careers, Sue and Tom have been very much involved with the care of Manchester-by-the-Sea. Both served on the Board of Selectmen for many years and other positions when they were chosen to "get it done" and "get it done right."
The Manchester-Essex Rotary Club will present them each with the coveted Paul Harris Award certificate and pin. This award is normally given to Rotarians for merited service and long-term membership, but Rotary's motto is "Service Above Self." The local Club voted that Sue and Tom are the poster people for such recognition and we thank them for their many accomplishments and years of service to the Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea.
Sue Thorn responded, "...I have to say I was totally surprised and so honored to be named a Paul Harris recipient!! Thank you so much for giving me that special recognition. It means a great deal to me. Giving back to Manchester has been such a pleasure!! ..."
Tom Kehoe said, "Just a quick note to say how honored I am to be presented the Paul Harris Fellow Award at the Red, White and Blue Breakfast. It is an honor to be presented an award for Service by such a service dedicated club like the Rotary.
Great job at the breakfast, I can not believe the amount of food that was prepared and eaten by the large number of guests that you had at Tuck's Point on that not so summer-like morning.
My Thanks to you and the leadership of the ME Rotary as well as all the members for the honor that was presented to me. I'm humbled more after talking to a couple of great Rotarians I know from Marblehead when I told them about the award I received."

Tom Kehoe being presented with the Paul Harris Award on September 8th, 2021. Pictured from left to right are last years Rotary District Governor Joan Arsenault and Manchester Essex Rotary Club members Chris Shea, Mike Storella, Tim Collins, Tom, presenting Tom with the award last years club president Sean Zahn, Sarah Willwerth-Dyer, Judy Laspesa, Dorothy "Dot" Sieradzki, Bill Schwab and Deborah Marcus. Story by Josephine McCollough, photo by incoming president Jack Costello.