Tim Collins receives the coveted Leg Lamp award for service to the Manchester-Essex Rotary Club

At our annual Christmas Party, which we missed last year for obvious reasons, we also missed the opportunity to honor the club member who has outdone themselves with service to the club and community. However, this year, the club was able to recognize the efforts that Tim has made in both driving the club support for community efforts like the Black Earth Composting project, and in his tenure as the Membership Chairperson increasing the club membership to meet our goal of 50% growth. Well done Tim, and don't forget to display the lamp where it can be seen in front of your home or business!

Presenting the award was Don MacQuarrie, sporting what is sure to become a fashion trend setting leg lamp sweater, and in the background the 2020 recipient and past club president Sean Zahn showing what must be his sadness at having to give up the lamp as the centerpiece of his living room decor.