Members of the Manchester-Essex Rotary Club welcomed 2 new members to its ranks this morning. Jennifer Doane, an Educational Consultant with Talbot's Inc. and Andy Harris, an Environmental Noise Consultant, both of Manchester, were sworn in by Club President Bridget Murray at the Breakfast Meeting.
If you would like to find out more about Rotary, join us at one of our weekly breakfast meetings, most Wednesday mornings, 7:15 AM, at the American Legion Hall (behind Town Hall) or at one of our monthly evening meetings, schedule TBA. Check out our calendar or contact Dot Sieradzki,
Rotary is a service organization with over 1.2 million members worldwide. Local members dedicate their time and talent to make a difference at home and abroad. Manchester-Essex Rotary sponsors many community events such as the annual Red, White, and Blue Pancake Breakfast, annual scholarships for graduating seniors, civic projects, and an Interact Club which is a service organization for young adults at the MERHS. Come meet your neighbors and participate.