Welcome to our Manchester-Essex Rotary Club website.  Thank you for visiting!
Our club actively seeks to reflect the community that we serve and so individuals of all genders, race, sexual orientation, nationality, ability, veteran status, and educational background are strongly encouraged to inquire.  We are committed to the Rotary initiatives to build diversity, equity and inclusion in our club and the community.  Please click here to read more about our vision as expressed by our district organization, and in the mission statement "At Rotary, we're committed to treating everyone with dignity and respect, allowing everyone's voice to be heard, and providing equitable opportunities for fellowship, service, and leadership."
Formal Statement on Accessibility: MERC strives to include those with disabilities at all meetings and events, using, for example, videoconferencing technology and Zoom accessible venues.  Anyone with a special need or concern regarding accessibility should contact the Club president.
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Donations to Rotary International Foundation (EREY) should  be made directly to https://www.rotary.org/en/donate.
Apply for Membership Today! 
Home Page Stories

Dinner tickets are $30 click here to buy tickets  or email Chris Shea cknsshea@aol.com.

Back by popular demand, the 4th Annual MERC St. Pat's Dinner & Irish Music will be held on March 15, 2024 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM at the Amaral Baily American Legion Hall, 14 Church Street, Manchester MA. 

There will be corned beef and cabbage, and music by The Erstwhiles with John Rockwell. 

Dinner tickets are $30, see the link above or email Chris Shea cknsshea@aol.com.  Music only $10 at the door.  Click here to sign up as a volunteer.  Proceeds to benefit the Amaral Bailey American Legion Post 113, Manchester MA and the MERC Scholarship Fund.   Legion members who purchase a ticket in advance at the Legion will get a $5 discount.

At this week's meeting we were pleased and excited to hear from our Manchester-Essex Rotary Club 2024 scholarship winners about their first semester experiences - pictured above with their proud family members.  Henry Thurlow, University of Rhode Island is studying mechanical engineering design and has already been working on some hands on projects that are cool and interesting.  Katherine Bappe, Macalester College, is already a class officer and working on creating a website to help her fellow students find internships, and she finds time to play club hockey as well.  Paul Coughlin, Babson College, while immersed in his finance studies, has also been active with Eagle Scouting on campus.   Morgan Lespesa is diving straight into her sports management degree at Hoffstra University with an internship at the professional hockey team The New York Islanders.  Lily Francoeur's athletic pursuits rowing on the crew team at Bucknell University are temporarily on hold while she recovers from a skiing accident. Not pictured is Jackson Surette who's classes have already resumed for his study of advanced automotive technology at the University of Northwestern Ohio. 
The Manchester-Essex Rotary Club is thrilled to have been able to further the education of these fine young people in the local community as recipients of the Club’s 2024 scholarship awards.  Their scholastic achievement, community service and application of their talents has been recognized.  They are all enrolling this fall and will be going off to school soon, let’s wish them all the best!
Katherine Bappe; Macalester College  
Paul Coughlin; Babson College       
Lily Francoeur; Bucknell University     
Morgan Lespesa; Hoffstra University
Jackson Surette; University of Northwestern Ohio   
Henry Thurlow; University of Rhode Island  
Thanks to generous donations from the Gloucester and Manchester & Essex Rotary Clubs, a District 7930 Managed Grant, and private non-Rotary donations, a $45,000 generator was purchased for Kivu Hills Medical Center in 2023. The generator finally arrived in February after contending with massive rainstorms, which led to treacherous potholes and mudslides. It was an extreme challenge for the truck carrying this generator. Thankfully, the road will be paved soon.
There is currently no medical clinic locally for the 30,000 rural residents of Boneza, and the Kivu Hills Medical Center will also provide services to millions of people in the surrounding regions when it opens its doors later in 2024.
In addition, the Gloucester and Rockport Rotary Clubs donated funds—again with support from a District 7930 Managed Grant—to purchase a generator for the Kivu Hills Academy. This generator was officially dedicated to the school in May 2022. The Academy is the first and only high school with three hundred students enrolled annually in Boneza, educating thousands in the greater geographic area with their hands-on curriculum.
Power in rural Boneza goes out several times each week. These generators provide consistent power and are critical for the medical center and academy.
We look forward to dedicating the newest medical center on our next visit. 
The mission of Arise Rwanda is “To positively transform the community of Boneza out of extreme poverty by focusing on education, clean water, healthcare and economic development.”  For more information, please visit Ariserwanda.org.
Reprinted from the Rotary Club of Gloucester
A huge thank you to everyone who helped make this yet another great Red White & Blue Breakfast!  This year's club co-president Ken Riehl says it here; "As our first new presidents' message to the Club, we begin by thanking you sincerely for your terrific support of our marquee community event - the Red, White & Blue Breakfast this past Saturday. Albeit a bit chilly, it was a fantastic morning with 1,100 in attendance including many families / kids who loved not only the delicious food but also fun music, facepainting and pony rides. We also did well in both our $5,000 drawing and 50/50 raffle."
The winners of the Red White & Blue Scholarship $6,500 Raffle were as follows: First Prize, Kathleen Simpson - $5,000, Second Prize, Allen Houle of our local Ace Harware, $1,000 and Third Prize outgoing president Tim Collins $500.
Our itinerary for the Red White & Blue has been announced!
Kit Carpenter will be singing the National Anthem.  Kit lives in Manchester and is a rising freshman at Manchester Essex Regional high school. Kit has performed in musicals for 10 years, including Peter Pan, Grease, The Music Man, High School Musical and has performed the national anthem at high school sporting events. 
What would you do with an extra $5,000?  The MERC is holding a fundraising raffle, and the exciting part is that the drawing will actually be held at the Red White & Blue Breakfast on June, 2024!  The money raised will go to local scholarships and food banks, and as we enter some uncertain financial times, those in need will benefit more than ever from our contributions.  Please email info@manchesteressexrotary.org to buy your tickets, there will only be 400 tickets sold and 2nd prize is $1,000 and third $500. 

Our annual Red White & Blue Breakfast on June 29th 2024 at Tucks Point stating at 7:30am to 11:30am.  There of course will be pancackes with all the fixings, eggs, bacon, coffee, pony rides and face painting for the kids, and musical entertainment!  Tickets are $12 in advance $15 at the door ages 8 and over, $10 ages 4-8 and children 3 and under are free of charge! 50/50 Raffle to benefit the Manchester-Essex Rotary Club Scholarship fund will be drawn at 11:30AM.  Take the free water taxi service between Tuck's Point and either Manchester Town Hall or Reid's Park to avoid the traffic, starting at 7:30 AM and running until 11:30 PM.    

We have the $12 advance tickets available in this registration link.

The Club is thrilled to host the 19th Annual Kentucky Derby Party and Auction on Saturday May 4th from 5:30 to 8:30!  This event brings items from all corners from golf outings and beach barbecues to fine clothing and complete wine cellars.  There is a silent auction for smaller items and a live auction featuring auctioneer and State Senator Bruce Tarr for the big ticket items including pro sports tickets, golf outings, boat cruises and more!  We will watch the Derby race live, there will be a non-betting lottery on the outcome, a hat contest with the best woman's and men's hat winning a bottle of real Kentucky bourbon and a bouquet of roses.  An excellent buffet dinner will be served throughout the evening, cash bar (yes mint julep), and best of all we are raising money for local scholarships, food banks and international projects. So put on your Derby hats and be ready to have a fun time with fun people. Tickets can be purchased in advance online or from a member for $60 or at the door $70 follow the link to buy online or click the Donate or Pay button on our home page.
The Club will be hosting a membership mixer, every member is encouraged to bring at least one prospective member.  The public is encouraged to attend and there will be a speaker from Strongwater Farm, an organization that provides therapeutic equestrian therapy to individuals coping with physical and emotional challenges.   Please find the event in the calendar to register, it is our regular weekly meeting for that week.

Backpack Drive for the Grace Center


If you have one or more spare adult-size backpacks left over from a prior school year and have been wondering what to do with them, wonder no more! The Manchester-Essex Rotary Club is partnering with Manchester-Essex Regional High School’s Comfort Cases club to collect gently used or new adult-size backpacks for The Grace Center through March 15.


Parents and students may drop off gently used or new backpacks in a bin outside of the Middle and High School office. Community members without students in the school system may donate through your favorite Rotarian or by emailing info@manchesteressexrotary.org


The Grace Center is located at 264 Main Street in Gloucester and offers a safe, free day resource center for people who are homeless and others, including older or disabled adults, isolated community members, and people at high risk of or currently in crisis. 


Comfort Cases is an organization intending to bring dignity and hope to youth in the foster care system through donation drives, volunteering, and awareness. Recently the club has expanded the organization's mission to include organizing clothing, book, and hygiene donation drives for all people in need.

Formed in 1905, Rotary International is the world's first service club organization with over 1.2 million members in 34,000 clubs worldwide. The Manchester-Essex club serves Cape Ann and surrounding communities giving life to the Rotary motto, "Service Above Self."


Questions may be directed to info@manchesteressexrotary.org.


Back by popular demand, the 3rd Annual MERC St. Pat's Dinner & Irish Music will be held on March 16, 2024 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM at the Amaral Baily American Legion Hall, 14 Church Street, Manchester MA. 

There will be corned beef and cabbage, music by The Erstwhiles and The Creaganmore Pipes & Drums, as well as Irish Step Dancing. 

Dinner tickets are $30 pay on the payment button or follow the registration from our event to buy tickets or to sign up as a volunteer.  Music only $10 at the door.  Proceeds to benefit the Amaral Bailey American Legion Post 113, Manchester MA and the MERC Scholarship Fund.   Legion members who purchase a ticket in advance at the Legion will get a $5 discount.

The Manchester-Essex Rotary Club supports the community in so many ways. At our meeting last Wednesday, November 8, we heard from Frank Freedman (second from right) from the Grace Center in Gloucester, MA and their ongoing mission to feed the homeless and needy in Gloucester.  To support their effort club members purchased personal items, including socks, underwear, toothbrushes, travel sized shampoo and toothpaste, that enable Grace Center participants to take utilize these items in while being mobile. Also pictured are Club president Tim Collins, and Club Community Action Committee members Deb Marcus and Jen Doane.
A standing service that the Club is honored to perform is monthly Monday evening meal service at the Beverly Baptist Church for anyone in need of a good solid meal.  Attendees look forward to our menu because we go to the effort to make truly great food - for example on our recent service on Halloween Eve we made baked haddock with a secret breading perfected by Meal Service Committee Chairman Chris Shea (pictured above third from right.)  And our Halloween themed sheet cake was a huge hit! 
So if helping those in need with hands on participation is something that appeals to you, please consider dropping in for a meeting and applying to join us! 
On June 15, 2023, the Essex Elementary School unveilded the Peace Pole that the Club donated to them for their new playground.  A huge Thank You to Judy Laspesa for heading up this effort.
A peace pole is a monument or structure that serves as a symbol of peace and unity. It typically consists of a tall pole or column with the phrase "May Peace Prevail on Earth" written on it in multiple languages. Peace poles are usually made of wood or metal and can be found in various locations such as public parks, gardens, schools, and religious institutions.
The concept of peace poles originated in Japan in the 1950s as part of the Peace Pole Project initiated by Masahisa Goi, a Japanese poet and philosopher. The project aimed to spread the message of peace and harmony worldwide. Since then, peace poles have become a global phenomenon, and thousands of them have been erected in different countries.
The phrase "May Peace Prevail on Earth" is written on the peace pole in different languages, representing the diversity and unity of humanity. It is often translated into languages spoken in the local community or languages of international significance.
Peace poles serve as reminders and symbols of peace, promoting dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among people of different cultures and backgrounds. They are intended to inspire individuals to work towards peaceful resolutions of conflicts and to foster a sense of global unity and interconnectedness.
The Club is thrilled to announce this year's winners of scholastic and tech school scholarships.  These Manchester-Essex Regional High School Seniors and community members demonstrated outstanding scholastic achievement as well as leadership in community service. 
The recipients are:
Guiseppe TraUMass Amherst
Emery Weber-ProvostUniversity of Oregon
Cole Olivier-MeehanBowling Green State
Owen O'LearyUMass Amherst
Joshua HeathEssex Tech Nighthawk
  • We are excited to announce that the Annual Red, White and Blue Pancake Breakfast will take place at Tuck's Point on Saturday, July 1st, 7:30 a.m. to Noon
  • Free Water Taxi from Town Hall and Reed's Park to Tuck's Point 8:30 to 12:30!
  • Free face painting and pony rides!
  • Manchester Summer Stage will be performing selections from "School of Rock"
  • State Senator Bruce Tarr and Former State Representative Brad Hill will be on hand flipping pancakes
  • Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at the door, children ages 4-8 are $5, children three and under free
  • Use the "Donate Button" above to purchase with a credit card or purchase at the door, or pay via the event registration in the calendar
  • Rotarians will be selling tickets on Saturday mornings in front of the Post Office
  • 50/50 Raffle to benefit the MERC Scholarship Fund
This year the national anthem will be performed by Lila Carpenter, a senior at Manchester-Essex Regional High School.  Lila was an active member in Chorus, SoundWaves and Theater.  Her favorite performing arts experience has been "...to form really valuable relationships with people I've met through the performing arts." She will be studying Fashion Merchandising and Management at Lasell University. 
The Club is printing and distributing these No Mo May signs to children in the Manchester and Essex School systems to help promote the concept of conservation.
No Mow May: Why Letting Your Lawn Grow Can Help the Environment
For many Americans, maintaining a manicured lawn is a symbol of pride and a sign of a well-maintained property. However, this mindset has come at a cost to the environment. The traditional approach of weekly mowing, trimming, and edging can have harmful effects on the ecosystem. But what if we could make a small change that could make a big impact?
Enter "No Mow May," an initiative aimed at encouraging Americans to forgo mowing their lawns for the entire month of May. This movement, which started in the United Kingdom, has now gained momentum in the United States. The idea behind No Mow May is simple: by letting your lawn grow, you're providing a haven for pollinators, such as bees and butterflies, which are crucial to our food supply.
In addition to providing habitat for pollinators, a longer lawn can also improve soil health by increasing organic matter and preventing erosion. It can even help reduce carbon emissions by eliminating the need for gas-powered mowers. And, let's face it, skipping the weekly chore of mowing can save you time and money.
So, what can you do to participate in No Mow May? First, simply resist the urge to mow your lawn for the month of May. If you feel uncomfortable with the length of your grass, consider raising the blades on your mower or using a reel mower, which doesn't emit harmful emissions. Another option is to plant native wildflowers or meadow grasses, which require less maintenance and provide even more benefits to the environment.
Small changes like participating in No Mow May can make a significant impact on the environment. By forgoing the traditional approach to lawn care, we can create a healthier, more sustainable world for ourselves and future generations.
The Club is thrilled to host the 18th Annual Kentucky Derby Party and Auction on Saturday May 6th from 5:30 to 8:30!  This event brings items from all corners from golf outings and beach barbecues to fine clothing and complete wine cellars.  There is a silent auction for smaller items and a live auction featuring auctioneer and State Senator Bruce Tarr for the big ticket items including an 80 inch smart television!  We will watch the Derby race live, there will be a non-betting lottery on the outcome, a hat contest with the best woman's and men's hat winning a bottle of real Kentucky bourbon and a bouquet of roses.  An excellent buffet dinner will be served throughout the evening, cash bar (yes mint julep), and best of all we are raising money for local scholarships, food banks and international projects. So put on your Derby hats and be ready to have a fun time with fun people. Tickets can be purchased in advance online or from a member for $30 or at the door $40 follow the link below to buy online.
2023 Rotary scholarship applications are now available to graduating high school seniors who either attend Manchester-Essex Regional High School, Essex Northshore Agricultural & Technical School, Landmark School and have parent(s) or legal guardian(s) residing in Manchester or Essex, Massachusetts. 
Ideal candidates are those who embody Rotary's motto of "Service Above Self" either in their school or community demonstrating leadership, integrity and academic success.  College scholarship applicants must be enrolling as full-time students in a degree-granting program in the fall of 2023.
In addition to our scholarship for college bound seniors, we have awards available for seniors who attend Essex Northshore Agricultural & Technical School and have parent(s) or legal guardian(s) residing in Manchester or Essex, Massachusetts.  This scholarship is given to assist local students in meeting the expenses associated with furthering their education or continuing in the occupation or field of their technical training.
The applications are available in the HomePage Download Files section in the right side of the website page, or by clicking here 2023 College Scholarship Application or here 2023 Trade School Scholarship Application or through the MERHS, ENSATS and Landmark School Guidance Offices. The application deadline is April 10, 2023.
Please mail completed applications to: Manchester-Essex Rotary Club, P.O. Box 403, Manchester, MA 01944 or email to scholarship@manchesteressexrotary.org
The Manchester-Essex Rotary Club has been able to distribute $10,000 in scholarships each year for the past several years as a result of successful fundraising efforts through the annual Kentucky Derby Auction or raffle in May and annual golf tournament in October as well as through the generosity of its members and our community. 
Formed in 1905, Rotary International is the world's first service club organization with over 1.2 million members in 34,000 clubs worldwide. The Manchester-Essex club serves the towns of Manchester and Essex, giving life to the Rotary motto, "Service Above Self." For more information about the M-E Rotary Club, visit www.manchesteressexrotary.org or email info@manchesteressexrotary.org  You can also find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/manchesteressexrotary

Back by popular demand, the 2nd Annual MERC St. Pat's Dinner & Irish Music will be held on March 11, 2023 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM at the Amaral Baily American Legion Hall, 14 Church Street, Manchester MA. 

There will be corned beef and cabbage, music by The Erstwhiles and The Creaganmore Pipes & Drums, as well as Irish Step Dancing. 

Dinner tickets are $25 pay on the payment button or follow the registration from our event to buy tickets or to sign up as a volunteer.  Music only $10 at the door.  Proceeds to benefit the Amaral Bailey American Legion Post 113, Manchester MA.  50/50 Raflle to benefit the MERC Scholarship Fund. 

It was a big night at The Village Restaurant last Wednesday, as we presented the scholarship winners with their awards, and we heard from speakers from Friends Forever International.
Scholarship Chair Judy Laspesa flanked on the right by scholarship winner Jacob Brown and his mother Michelle Brown and on the left by scholarship winner Isabella Furlow and her mother Carlene Furlow. Jacob is studying finance but has taken a law class and may go into law, while Isabella is firmly pre-law and looking towards a semester abroad during her undergraduate studies. 
Tech Scholarship winner Maggie Grace, with her mother Sarah, and to Sarah's right Adam Furlow and Carlene Furlong.  Maggie is studying aboraculture at Essex Tech, the care of trees, and is already employed part time at Cape Ann Tree Services in Gloucester. She is very passionate about her vocation and we are so happy to be helping her with her costs.
Alex DesRusseaux and Jessica Maye gave an excellent talk on Friends Forever International and the work they do with 14-18 year olds teaching them how to give to the community through service. We are going to follow up to see if we can offer these opportunities to the students in our community. Tim Collins, membership chair and president-elect is to the left of Alex.
This year's Holiday Party was held at the Antique Table, the food was amazing and the Yankee Swap was hilarious.  Here is the rundown;
1.  The couples of Stacey and Rob Scott vs. Bridgett Murray and John Bubrouski battled for ownership of a black martini kit and another mixed drink kit - after a series of hard fought swaps in the end Stacey and Rob outmaneuvered Bridgett and John to take both kits - maybe the Scotts will invite them over for a holiday cocktail as a consolation prize?
2.  Sean Zahn, in a surprising move, elected to keep the pickle ball set he opened up portending New Year's resolutions to take up athletic activities.
3.  Chris Shea tried valiantly but unsuccessfully to sell his gift of a ham and holiday flavored Twinkies, while Tim Collins gave it a hard look but opted to keep his designer PJs which he modeled for the club.
Best Wishes for the Holiday Season and 2023!
The Club held the 24th annual scramble golf tournament at The Meadows in Peabody on October 2nd under overcast but mostly dry conditions, raising a significant portion of their annual funds for local scholarships. The overall winner on gross scores at nine under par were Buck Grader, Dave Dufour, Josh ? and Joe McCain. The winner on adjusted scores at 17 under par (5 under gross) were Bob Dumas, Brad Pierce, Dan Fiahlo and Barry Morse who broke a tie with second place David Ray, Chet Marcus, Matt Piaker and Brian D’Apice. The broom team was Susan Mirak, Sarah Willwerth-Dyer and Margaret Hughes who missed their fourth Hope Blette Violette. A wonderful prime rib dinner was put on by club member Ken Davis, and Chris Shea did is usual outstanding performance putting on the event. Thank you everyone for a wonderful time while we raised money for the community.
Please check out all the photos in the photo album for the event =>
2022 ROTARY GOLF TOURNAMENT RESULTS                                           GROSS/ADJUSTED
1  Jack Costello Mike Storella  Sean Zahn  Chris Connolly Bob McKenzie            -5    -15
2    Susan Mirak     Sarah Willwerth Dyer     Margaret Hughes                             +12     +2
3    Mike Alden      Matt Alden  Nate Alden     Liam Alden                                       -4     -14     
4    Tim Collins       Rich Grant       John Costello       Dan Rowe                               0     -15
5    Dave Ray       Chet Marcus      Matt Piaker      Brian D’Apice                            -9    -17
6     Ted Logue       Brett Scaldone      Aaron Hughes      Steve Philbrook                -7    -14
7     Paul Steriti      Ben Vitalini      Ed Dunn        Dave Cressey                                 -5    -15
8    Richard Sullivan     Peter Hickey      Bill Dobson     Adam Winn                        +1    -11
9    Steve O’Neill  Bill McCarthy  Bill Grannan    Chris Byrne*   -4    -12            
  • (Long Drive Winner)                                                    * (Closest to Pin)
10   Chris Shea  17    Phil Shea    25       Jay Maguire   11    Bill Sheridan                 -6    -16           
11   Buck Grader      Dave Dufour      Josh              Joe McCain                                 -9     -16                                                                               
12   Bob Dumas       Brad Pierce        Dan Fiahlo        Barry Morse                            -5     -17
13   Lisa Scanzillo       Marie Opidee         Martha Ryan         Diane Silva                 +4     -8
15   Chris Langathianos     Michael Newman     Carley Cook      Brian Rothe          -2    -13
16  Larry Guin        Bryce Suydam        Luke Gafney       Gene Record                     -2   -14
18    Jeff Morris      Jill Morris*     Leanne Lavoie    Brian Lavoie                             -7   -16
  •   (long Drive Women)
The 20th Anniversary Dinner was a huge success.  Current members had the chance to meet past members and hear the accounts of how the club pulled through time and again raising funds for the local community and projects offshore. There was quite a bit of comedic as well as serious content from the speakers including past president Chris Costello, Master of Ceremonies Don MacQuarrie, past presidents Chet and Debbie Marcus, Chris Shea, Sarah Willwerth-Dyer and last but certainly not least past president Paul Sullivan who regaled us with what the breakfast meetings and auction were like back in the day. State Senator Bruce Tarr, Former State Representative Brad Hill and club members Dot Sieradski, Michael Grey and Marcia Hubbard all received Paul Harris Awards. Bruce and Brad gave heartfelt speeches about what the club has done for the community over their 20 years of involvement - even before the club took over the Red White and Blue Breakfast they were serving when it was hosted by the Lions, and presented the Club with a citation signed by the President of the Senate proclaiming this day Manchester-Essex Rotary Club Day!!  Selectmen John Round and Brian Sollosy presented the Club with a citation from The Town of Manchester thanking the Club for its service. 
Other noteable guests included Julie LaFontaine the CEO of The Open Door, Sue Todd who has contributed extensively to Rotary, past Rotary District Governor Joan Arsenault and current Assistant District Governor Ron Block.
Special thanks to Jennifer Doane, Don MacQuarrie, Christopher Shea, David Ray, Joanne Donnelly, Sarah Willwerth-Dyer, Judy Laspesa, Deborah Marcus and Stacey Scott who put the event together. This was the best event ever to witness the community effort that has drawn together the Manchester-Essex Rotary Club for 20 years, bravo to all! 
We received this heard heartfelt letter of gratitude from the Manchester Essex Regional High School thanking us for our scholarship awards to their students from Ms. Beverly Low, Director of Guidance and School Counseling. On behalf of the Club, Ms. Low, you are very welcome!
The Club will be celebrating 20 years of community service this September 28th at 6:00 PM at the American Legion Hall in Manchester.  Please see the signup for members and guests on the calendar.
Last week we held our monthly dinner meeting at the Essex Shipbuilding Museum, and the Executive Director KD Montgomery spoke to us about the museum's quest for a grant from the Smithsonian Institute for preserving the heritage of Essex as part of the rural community initiative.  She then gave an impromptu history of shipbuilding at the location of the museum.  Dinner was catered by Ripple on the Water located just next to the museum in Essex and it was delicious - please put them on your list of restaurants to try out soon. 
We were also fortunate to induct two new members at the meeting, Kawehi Morrison and Robert Scott. 
Kawehi grew up in Hawaii and was a Rotary Member in the Kapaei Club in the late 90's thru 2003.
She is the Associate Executive Director of the greater Beverly YMCA. Robert is well known to the club as he has been attending events regularly with his wife club member Stacey Scott.  Robert is an electrical inspector for the north east region of Massachusetts.  Please welcome them both to our club!  Pictured above is Jack Costello, club president, Kawehi, Robert and Tim Collins, membership director.  We were delighted as well to host at least 8 people who attended as interested in learning more about Rotary and our club.  Thanks Tim, Sarah, Marcia, Rob, Stacey and Jack for bringing along these new faces.
Pictured are the MERC 2022 "Service Above Self" scholarship winners Isabella Thurlow and Jacob Brown, who are seen helping us as volunteers at this year's Red White & Blue Breakfast.
The Scholarship Winners have been announced!  Thank you to Juday Laspesa and the scholarship committee for their efforts in soliciting applications and selecting the winners.  Here is the excerpt from our press release:
The Manchester-Essex Rotary Club is pleased to announce the 2022 "Service Above Self" scholarships.  Scholarships are awarded to students demonstrating leadership, integrity, and academic success.  Graduating high school seniors must either attend Manchester-Essex Regional High School or have parent(s) or legal guardian(s) residing in Manchester or Essex, Massachusetts.  Students must be enrolling in a certificate or degree-granting program in the fall of 2022.
Congratulations to this years’ recipients who are both attending Suffolk University in Boston.
Jacob Brown will be studying Business and Law
Isabella Thurlow will be studying Psychology, Criminal Justice and Law
The Manchester-Essex Rotary Club is grateful to our members and community for your support of our fundraising events. The monies raised are used to support these scholarships and many other projects to benefit our community and those in need.
The week before the RWB we had a great turnout for the 2022-23 Rotary Officers Installation Dinner held at the Danversport Marina in Beverly on June 30th, 2022 to support our new club president Jack Costello.  Pictured from left to right are Mike Storella, Mike Alden, Tim Collins, Joanne Donnelly, Rachel Cutler, Jack Costello, Hope Blette Violette, Sean Zahn, Becci Sollosy and Chris Shea.  Jen Doane was stuck in holiday traffic coming back from Albany and could not make it and sent her regrets.  Thank you Stephen Laspesa for the photo! 
Thank you to everyone who came to another wonderful Manchester Red White & Blue Breakfast! We served over 1,200 breakfasts, faces were painted, ponies were ridden, and our newest attraction the water taxi shuttled hundreds of people from Manchester town center to Tuck's Point and back! Please look in our photo album for your photos.
A big new addition this year to the Red White & Blue Breakfast on Saturday, July 2nd is a free water taxi running from the breakfast dock at Tuck's Point to parking available at Masconomo Park and the Manchester Town Hall.  This will not only help to alleviate the parking at Tuck's but be a lot of fun! The service is operated by Manchester Mooring Service
Other big announcements are
  • The announcement of our National Anthem singer; Sydney Bartlett (pictured above) currently a student at Manchester-Essex Regional High School and playing Sandy in this summer's SummerStage performance of "Grease"
  • Cast members from the SumerStage production of "Grease" will perform a few songs. The cast is made up of students from Manchester and Essex and performances will be at MERHS on July 28, 29, 30 and 31.
What would you do with an extra $7,500?  The MERC is holding a fundraising raffle, and the exciting part is that the drawing will actually be held at the Red White & Blue Breakfast on July 2, 2022!  The money raised will go to local scholarships and food banks, and as we enter some uncertain financial times, those in need will benefit more than ever from our contributions.  Please email info@manchesteressexrotary.org to buy your tickets, there will only be 300 tickets sold and as the check says first prize is $7,500, 2nd is $1,500 and third $1,000. 
The Kentucky Derby Fundraising Auction was a big success, thanks to all the efforts make by club members and their invited guests.  The excitement of the actual horse race, which was amazing, led to a rousing live auction hosted by club member Brian Sollosy.  Brian did a great job and filled in for our usual auctioneer Bruce Tar, thank you so much Brian!  
Pictured here is the winning male best hat entry by Sean Zahn, what else can you say about his commitment to the club and this hat?  Tim Collins, also sporting a fine entry, did not make honorable mention.  Winning the female hat entry was Becci Sollosy, if anyone has a photo of Becci in her hat, or any photos please send them to jack@ctmholdingsllc.com I was so caught up in the action I forgot to take any photos.
P.S. Here it is Becci's winning hat
The Club is thrilled to add as a new member MaryLouise "Weezie" Howley, having recently moved to Manchester with her husband Kevin. They lived in Hamilton for 26 years, where she was active in the community.
They have 3 daughters. The oldest works in NYC, the next works in Denver, and the youngest is a Junior at the University of Denver.
Weezie is familiar with Rotary and all the good work that Rotary does locally and internationally because her father was an active Rotarian. Weezie has been involved in fundraising efforts in Hamilton and looks forward to the opportunity to support this community.
Weezie works from home as a Beauty Counter consultant and is excited to meet new people and support worthy causes. 

Returning from a two year hiatus the Club is thrilled to host the 7th Annual Kentucky Derby Party and Auction on Saturday May 7 from 5 to 8:30!  This event brings items from all corners from golf outings and beach barbecues to fine clothing and complete wine cellars.  There is a silent auction for smaller items and a live auction featuring auctioneer and State Senator Bruce Tarr for the big ticket items including an 80 inch smart television!  We will watch the Derby race live, there will be a non-betting lottery on the outcome, a hat contest with the best woman's and men's hat winning a bottle of real Kentucky bourbon and a bouquet of roses.  An excellent buffet dinner will be served throughout the evening, cash bar (yes mint julep), and best of all we are raising money for local scholarships, food banks and international projects. So put on your Derby hats and be ready to have a fun time with fun people. Tickets can be purchased online for $30 or at the door $35 click on the event in the calendar

Some before and after photos of our intrepid club members Rebecca Sollosy, Mike Loring, Brian DesRosiers and Brian Sollosy as they helped raise money this past Saturday by "polar plunging" at Long Beach in Gloucester along with hundreds of other Massachusetts Rotarians. The combined efforts raised enough to inoculate over half a million children against the polio virus around the world in impoverished countries. See how you can "pay it forward" in your community and around the world, Rotary raises money for local food banks and scholarships, regional projects like preserving the Essex River, and worldwide efforts like clean water and medical treatments
Click Here to Donate   Our Plungers are club members' perennial favorite Brian DesRosiers and new-plungers Becci Sollosy, Brian Sollosy and Michael Loring.
The Manchester Essex Rotary will hold its annual Polar Plunge on Saturday, April 2, 2022, at 11am at the Cape Ann Motor Inn on Long Beach, located at 33 Rockport Road in Gloucester. The event is part of Rotary International’s ongoing campaign to eradicate Polio in our lifetime. Dozens of Rotarians, Interact students (formerly known as Junior Rotarians), and friends of Rotary from throughout eastern Massachusetts are expected to plunge into the cold waters off Cape Ann. Since 2010, thousands of individuals and businesses have supported this event, and almost one million dollars have been raised for #EndPolioNow.

The eradication of Polio has been Rotary International’s signature cause since 1988. The organization has teamed up with partners including The Global Poverty Project, The Global Eradication Initiative, The World Health Organization, and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Since 1988, more than a billion dollars have been raised among Rotary clubs worldwide and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 

When Rotary International took on the battle against this disease, more than 350,000 people spanning 125 countries were impacted by Polio each year. Today there are two countries left where Polio has not been eradicated—Pakistan and Afghanistan. In 2021, there were only five reported cases of wild Polio virus, down from 140 in 2020. Rotary International has committed to raising fifty million dollars in 2022, and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged to match each dollar raised with an additional $2 donation.

We had a fantastic party Saturday night, Sean Zahn provided an outstanding corned beef and cabbage dinner.  Chris Shea brought his Irish folk music group The Erstwhiles, and Pat Meehan marched in the amazing Creaganmore Pipes & Drums. There was even an impromptu Irish step dance.  We raised money for local scholarships, food banks and global projects, it was a great time.
Oh yes oh yes, it's a big celebration, there will be a corned beef and fixings dinner by Sean Zahn Catering, and Irish Music by Chris Shea and the Erstwhiles and the Creaganmore Pipes & Drums
Sorry the dinner and event is sold out!  
The Club is thrilled to continue adding new members, this month we welcomed Dave Schuh. Dave has lived in Manchester for 30 years with his wife Stacey and their 2 daughters. Their older daughter is a nurse in San Diego & the younger one is a freshman at Penn State.
Dave was in the publishing industry working with USA Today and now has his own business “Schuh Publishing Services” and Stacey is a Nurse Practitioner in Boston. They recently purchased a home in Florida and are looking forward to having the ability to escape our New England winters - lucky!!
Dave is shown at our monthly dinner meeting, this month at The Village Restuarant in Esses, flanked by Club president Jennifer Guebert Doane and Membership Chair Tim Collins
What: MERC 2022 College and Trade School Scholarship Applications
Deadline: April 8, 2022
2022 Rotary scholarship applications are now available to graduating high school seniors who either attend Manchester-Essex Regional High School, Essex Northshore Agricultural & Technical School, Landmark School and have parents(s) or legal guardian(s) residing in Manchester or Essex, Massachusetts. 
Ideal candidates are those who embody Rotary's motto of "Service Above Self" either in their school or community demonstrating leadership, integrity and academic success.  College scholarship applicants must be enrolling as full-time students in a degree-granting program in the fall of 2022.
In addition to our scholarship for college bound seniors, we have awards available for seniors who attend Essex Northshore Agricultural & Technical School and have parent(s) or legal guardian(s) residing in Manchester or Essex, Massachusetts.  This scholarship is given to assist local students in meeting the expenses associated with furthering their education or continuing in the occupation or field of their technical training.
The applications are available in the HomePage Download Files section in the right side of the website page, or by clicking here 2022 College Scholarship Application or here 2022 Trade School Scholarship Application
Completed applications must include a copy of high school transcript, SAR/FAFSA info, and two (2) letters of recommendation postmarked by April 8, 2022. Please mail completed applications to: Manchester-Essex Rotary Club, P.O. Box 403, Manchester, MA 01944 or email to scholarship@manchesteressexrotary.org
In an encore performance, the Club served dinner again at the First Baptist Church in Beverly on Monday this week. Pictured l-r are club members Peter Hoare, Memory Layne, Sean Zahn, Bill Donnelly, Chris Shea and Brian Sollosy.
Club members Mike Storella, Mike Loring, Chris Shea, Ken Davis and Jack Costello (not pictured) served up a hot meal on a cold night at the First Baptist Church in Beverly. 

Last Wednesday the club was thrilled to induct three new members. Standing next to club president Jennifer Doane are Bill and Andrea Donnelly from Essex.  Bill is a partner at PSP Imports and Andrea is a mortgage planner at ONTO Mortgage. To the left of membership chair TimCollins is Karen Swanson from Gloucester, the owner/kitchen designer of New England Design Works.  Welcome!
Jennifer Doane, Leilani Brown, 
Emma Francoeur and Judy Laspesa 
Ashley Flood being presented her award by
Judy Laspesa at the annual club holiday party
The Manchester-Essex Rotary Club was pleased to present scholarship awards to three exceptional students who graduated in June of 2021. All three graduated from Manchester-Essex Regional High School and completed their first semester of college this fall.
Ashley Flood                    Boston College
Leilani Brown                  Covenant College
Emma Francoeur            Boston University
The M-E Rotary Club raises money throughout the year to support these scholarships and other service initiatives. We are proud to have donated more than $175,000 in scholarships over our 20 year history. Scholarship applications for 2022 high school graduates will be available later this month.
Tim Collins receives the coveted Leg Lamp award for service to the Manchester-Essex Rotary Club
At our annual Christmas Party, which we missed last year for obvious reasons, we also missed the opportunity to honor the club member who has outdone themselves with service to the club and community. However, this year, the club was able to recognize the efforts that Tim has made in both driving the club support for community efforts like the Black Earth Composting project, and in his tenure as the Membership Chairperson increasing the club membership to meet our goal of 50% growth. Well done Tim, and don't forget to display the lamp where it can be seen in front of your home or business!
Presenting the award was Don MacQuarrie, sporting what is sure to become a fashion trend setting leg lamp sweater, and in the background the 2020 recipient and past club president Sean Zahn showing what must be his sadness at having to give up the lamp as the centerpiece of his living room decor.  
One of the major existential crises we face today is climate change. Whether this is a manmade issue or a global cyclical issue, greenhouse gas emissions are a substantial contributing factor to the warming of the planet. Scientists today are realizing that the predictions of this global warming trend have a much shorter time line than originally thought and unless we figure out how to produce fewer greenhouse gasses and recapture them resulting in lowering their concentration in our atmosphere there will be catastrophic results to our climate, food and water availability and sea level changes. In response to these issues, the Manchester-Essex Rotary club has submitted a grant to support the Black Earth Composting project. 

One of the ways we can contribute to the solutions of this complex issue is composting. Compost reverses global warming through deep carbon storage, AND reinvigorates our ability to grow food. A major challenge being in MA, a vast amount of food we eat comes from outside New England. So we are net importers of nutrients, and it is not cost effective to ship compost out of the area. Compost is a nice carbon sink, it stores carbon long term in the soil, it pulls CO2 out of the air, so it has a net negative impact on the emissions. It’s just the simplest thing people can do right now to have an impact on solving this problem.

Black Earth Compost is a local company from Gloucester that has a green solution for the overwhelming trash problem in Massachusetts which contributes in a positive way to this problem. Massachusetts recognized there is a large problem looming, because there are no new landfills or no new incinerators opening, so in 2014 they but a ban on food scraps going to those facilities. With that ban in place, curbside composting is taking off putting food scraps back to work by bringing nutrients back into our local soil and by trapping greenhouse gasses .  Their mission is to get communities committed to composting by providing the compost pick up storage and processing of food scraps from local households and businesses in eastern Massachusetts and delivering it back into the communities for their landscape and gardening needs.  Their proof of concept is their first permanent composting facility being constructed at the Manchester by the Sea transfer station on Pine Street. It’s a full circle in sustainability, as customers get a bag of compost in return from their weekly scraps. If used in landscapes and the gardens, people can take a small step in fighting climate change.

The Club is proposing to donate funds to Seaside Sustainability, a 501 C3 corporation who is the fiscal agent for fund raising on the Black Earth project. $1,000 of the funds will be used to purchase compost bags, totes, promotional content, etc. which we will give to the community to bolster educational efforts and the $5,000  for some of the construction costs for the composting facility. They will be partnering with the Manchester DPW, The Manchester School System Green team and the Manchester Sustainability committee in organizing and providing events to educate people about composting and its impact on our local communities.
May be an image of 4 people and people standing
The Club was thrilled to induct two new members at our meeting last week for dinner at Allie's Cafe in Manchester. Peter Hoare (on the right), a retired health care executive, is the owner of Barn Dog Daycamp on Southern Avenue in Essex and also serves as a volunteer firefighter/EMT for the Essex Fire Department. Memory Layne, second from right, runs Memory Layne Creative, marketing and design services for small businesses, many which are local. They both reside in Essex. Welcome! Also pictured are Club President Jennifer Doane and Membership Director Tim Collins. If you'd like to be a more integral part of your community, and make some great friends, please consider joining The Manchester-Essex Rotary Club, anyone living or working in a community bordering Manchester or Essex is welcome.
The Manchester Essex Rotary Club is excited to announce the recent addition of three new members to our Rotary community. Please join us in welcoming Dianne Bucco, Laura Palermino and Michael Loring, pictured alongside club president Jennifer Doane and membership director Tim Collins. The recent induction was in conjunction with our membership mixer which was held to mingle with current members, as well as get to meet potential new members in a fun, social setting.
As Rotarians, we are always looking to invite others to learn of valuable work we, as Rotarians. do locally, as well as in support of national and international causes. Whether it’s providing local scholarships, working to support clean water systems and environmental causes, or working towards eradicating polio worldwide, our contributions truly make a difference. Perhaps you or someone you might know who would like to join this fun, fulfilling organization, if so, please reach out to Tim Collins, Membership Director, at timmycollins@gmail.com.
The 23nd Annual Manchester Essex Rotary Club / Landing Restaurant Golf Tournament was held October 5th at the Meadows Golf Course in Peabody, and raised over $7,000 for the Manchester Essex Scholarship fund, thank you to
all of the 82 golfers who participated, and to the weather which turned in our favor at the last minute and allowed us to play on a wet but not raining course.
Pictured are the winners of the long drive, Carley Cook, and the closest to the pin, Lisa Willwerth.  Congratulations to these ladies on their expert golfing, showing the men how it’s done! 

The winners for this scramble format team tournament are as follows:

Best Gross Score of 59, 11 under par, Bill Willis, Dave Dufour, Rory Ekstrom, Joe McCain
Runner Up Gross Score of 61 Mike McEachern, Jon Kayle, Fran Semons, Josh Hayes          
Best Net Score (adjusted for handicap) of 54 - 17 under par - Bob Dumais, Brad Pierce, Kevin Johnson, Don Burgess

Runner Up Net Score of 57 - Bill Stone, Chris Nesbit, Max Nesbit
Photo of Club Member Sean Zahn raising the mainsail 
We had a fantastic sail on the Ardelle last night courtesy of Captain Harold Burnham https://www.facebook.com/schooner.ardelle and his crew, and to Rotary Club member Sarah Willwerth-Dyerwerth-Dyer for putting the event together. You can see a plot of our course here as recorded by our new member Mike Loring https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/7537258874
Paul Harris Award Recipients
Two Manchester Residents Recognized for "Service Above Self"
The Manchester-Essex Rotary Club is pleased to honor two great residents from Manchester-by-the-Sea: Sue Thorne and Tom Kehoe.
Most recently, this impressive pair were the Co-chairs of the town's 375 Committee starting in 2019 that is still working together in 2021.  Their skill and dedication to this milestone celebration has been exemplary.  They brought together a cross section of town citizens to their 375 Committee that produced and excellent program of events, fundraising, gatherings and historical updates and education. 
Over the course of their careers, Sue and Tom have been very much involved with the care of Manchester-by-the-Sea. Both served on the Board of Selectmen for many years and other positions when they were chosen to "get it done" and "get it done right."
The Manchester-Essex Rotary Club will present them each with the coveted Paul Harris Award certificate and pin.  This award is normally given to Rotarians for merited service and long-term membership, but Rotary's motto is "Service Above Self."  The local Club voted that Sue and Tom are the poster people for such recognition and we thank them for their many accomplishments and years of service to the Town of Manchester-by-the-Sea.  
Sue Thorn responded, "...I have to say I was totally surprised and so honored to be named a Paul Harris recipient!!  Thank you so much for giving me that special recognition.  It means a great deal to me.  Giving back to Manchester has been such a pleasure!!  ..."
Tom Kehoe said, "Just a quick note to say how honored I am to be presented the Paul Harris Fellow Award at the Red, White and Blue Breakfast. It is an honor to be presented an award for Service by such a service dedicated club like the Rotary.
Great job at the breakfast, I can not believe the amount of food that was prepared and eaten by the large number of guests that you had at Tuck's Point on that not so summer-like morning.
My Thanks to you and the leadership of the ME Rotary as well as all the members for the honor that was presented to me.  I'm humbled more after talking to a couple of great Rotarians I know from Marblehead when I told them about the award I received."
Tom Kehoe being presented with the Paul Harris Award on September 8th, 2021.  Pictured from left to right are last years Rotary District Governor Joan Arsenault and Manchester Essex Rotary Club members Chris Shea, Mike Storella, Tim Collins, Tom, presenting Tom with the award last years club president Sean Zahn, Sarah Willwerth-Dyer, Judy Laspesa, Dorothy "Dot" Sieradzki, Bill Schwab and Deborah Marcus.  Story by Josephine McCollough, photo by incoming president Jack Costello. 
Manchester Essex Rotary / Landing Restaurant 
Golf Tournament
Tuesday, October 5, 2021     
Shotgun Start at 12:30
  Scramble Format  
The Meadow At Peabody Golf Course
 80 Granite Street, Peabody MA 01960
$125 Entry Fee includes 
Greens Fee, Golf Cart, Beverages, Prizes, Dinner
Dinner Only $50
            To Benefit: Manchester Essex Rotary Scholarship Fund
            For Information Contact:  Chris Shea 508-843-4979  cknsshea@aol.com
Tim Collins 617-840-0827 timmyjcollins@gmail.com
            To Register to Play
            To Register for Dinner Only 
The Manchester Essex Rotary Club recently welcomed four new members into the local chapter of Rotary International. Pictured below are our new members from left to right: Tom Colbert, Liz Colbert, Becci Sollosy, Stacey Scott, Past M/E Rotary President Chris Shea, and Membership Chair Tim Collins
Membership in Rotary International is a great way to meet new people, become involved in community events and projects, and make a valuable contribution locally as well as globally.
"There's no crying in baseball!"

Born and raised in Essex, MA., Annie Gosbee honed her skills at the Essex town hall baseball field.  With grit and determination she fulfilled her dream to play baseball in the All American Girls Professional Baseball League.  Annie was an All Star while playing for the Grand Rapids Chicks.  She later played for the Rockford Peaches made famous in the movie "A League of Their Own."  The Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NY has a special exhibit dedicated to the AAGPBL, the teams and players.  Annie's Story is one of inspiration to all who follow their dreams.  
11:00 - 12:30 
Girls Exhibition Game
Lunch: free hot dogs!
12:30 - 1:00 
Unveiling of Bronze Plaque
Master of Ceremonies: Rob Bradford, WEEI Radio
Dignitary: Senator Bruce Tarr
See Annie's full biography at: https://AAGPBL.org/profiles/Annie-gosbee/307
Please support by donating towards the bronze plaque depicting Annie and her story to be displayed at the field, https://tinyurl.com/yumm87tk

Rotary at work.

The Manchester Essex Rotary Club is excited to announce its involvement once again in the Festival By the Sea, sponsored by the Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce, which will be held Saturday August 7, in Masconomo Park, and surrounding downtown areas. This yearly festival offers a first hand experience to enjoy the splendor of the local art and artisan scene, embrace the talent of our neighbors and members of the community, as well as spend time appreciating our town. 

The Manchester Essex Rotary club is proud to partner with the Cape Ann Chamber to bring awareness to the multitude of service, civic and artistic opportunities Cape Ann has to offer.  As you stroll through the idyllic park, please visit us at the booth sponsored by the Rotary Club to learn more about Rotary International, hear about our mission and service programs, both locally and worldwide, and perhaps be inspired to join us.  You may be surprised to find that Rotary is involved with many organizations of interest to you and this is a golden opportunity to become more involved. You will surely see friends, old and new!

Fresh off the success of our Red White and Blue pancake breakfast in July, we will be changing up our menu, offering hamburgers, hotdogs and other treats.  See you on August 7th for a day filled with art, food, fun and good times!

Thank you everyone for making our Red, White & Blue Breakfast this morning a HUGE SUCESS!! We were fortunate that the rain held off, ponies were ridden, faces were painted - and over 1100 breakfasts were served. We could not have done it without you and we thank you sincerely for your support.
District 7930 held its first in-person event June 24 at the Danvers Yacht Club to celebrate the new Rotary year and the new presidents about to assume leadership on July 1. Our club was well represented. Jen's parents, Tom and Barb Guebert, traveled to be with her.
(Photo by Michael Doane)
Following the tradition of Rotarian Todd Bol of Hudson, Wisconsin, M-E Rotary sponsored two Little Free Libraries (LFL), one for the Manchester Public Library and one for TOPH Burnham Library in Essex. Essex Library Director Deb French has establish their LFL at Conomo Point, check it out. Manchester Library Director, Sara Collins, is considering Masconomo Park or the train station. Stay tuned for the next chapter.
Club Information
Visitors Are Always Welcome

Service Above Self

We meet In Person & Online
Wednesdays at 7:30 AM
American Legion, Tuck's Point, Essex Shipbuilding Schoolhouse
Essex & Manchester, MA
United States of America
We are meeting both in person and via Zoom. 1st Wed of month is a dinner (location varies) 2nd, 4th and 5th Wed is morning meeting 3rd Wed is Board meeting (often at American Legion)
Click on icon to join our LinkedIn Group! 
Club Executives & Directors
Immediate Past President
President Elect
Rotary Foundation
Public Image
Service Committee Member
Membership Committee Member
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Member Birthdays:
  • Stacey Scott
    February 14
  • Michele French
    February 17
  • Laura Palermino
    February 24
  • Lindsey Egan
    March 9
  • Chris Shea
    March 17
  • Judy Laspesa
    March 19
  • John Costello
    March 31
  • Sean Zahn
    Hope Violette
    February 27
  • Stacey Scott
    Robert Scott
    March 27
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